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Coaching Services »


NEW! Time 4 Me -
Are you a hardworking mom looking to invest some time in yourself with out the guilt. The Time 4 Me program will assist you in reflecting on who you are now, dealing with the mommy guilt, and creating a foundation of celebrating who you are. This 6 week program includes 6 zoom sessions centered. $329

MOST POPULAR! The Life Audit - Are you wondering how to get your life on track or even what that track should be? The Life Audit takes you through exercises to define what your priorities in life are, to identify where you are spending your energies, and to compare the two areas. This program consists of three 45 minutes sessions. At the end of the Life Audit, you will have direction, clarity, and a renewed excitement

Uncover Your Passion Program - Passion…such an amazing and thought provoking word. Sometimes it can even induce anxiety if you are confused about your passion. This program will take you through exercises to identify activities that energize you, recognizing common themes, and narrowing down possibilities. Yes…there are more than just one.

Identifying and Overcoming Obstacles - Three 45 minute sessions $300

This is a great program when you’re just not making progress. Together, we will identify the obstacles and strategies on the best way to overcome them. By the end of 3 sessions, you will have a plan to move you forward.

1 on 1 Coaching Sessions - Through 1 on 1 coaching sessions, we can identify the passions that will bring joy to your life. Together, we can explore dreams, create action plans, and discuss obstacles. I will be there to help you support you, encourage you, and challenge you.

Goal Attainment Coaching - This coaching is a more targeted coach program for someone who has previously had difficulty achieving a desired goal. This program will take you through exercises to clearly identifying the goal, creating the action steps needed, and identifying ways to overcome anticipated obstacles. I will be there with you every step of the way to encourage you and support you. Follow-up coaching is also available to help you stay on track or problem solve through unexpected challenges.


Current Specials -

  • BOGO - Two 30 min coaching session for the price of one. $100

    • I’m not sure about you but Covid is still providing a lot of anxiety. I’m taking some time to get my ducks in a row. It’s about focusing on what you can control.

      1 on 1 coaching is a great way to tailor the work we do to something specific. It might be getting in the right mindset to tackle what is in front of us.

  • NEW OFFERING! 21 Days to a Positive Habit - Did you know that it only takes 21 days to create a habit? Use this super power to be intentional and move forward towards the life you want to live. Habit are a great way to jump start a life style shift. With support and tips, you can rock that 21 days. This program includes worksheets, videos, and coaching from me! $150